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I have a home based studio in Wellington, New Zealand, and make small collections of sculptural vessels. Most of my work is coil built using stoneware and porcelain clay bodies.


I was introduced to clay while studying in my early twenties and it has never really left my side . Exploring clay and all its possibilities, has been woven through my life whilst pursuing a career in healthcare, other creative pursuits- jewellery and glass; and raising three children. Wherever I have lived in NZ and overseas I have pursued lessons and studio space so I could 'play' with clay.


In 2019 I decided to dedicate more time to 'making', converted  our garage to a studio, and bought a kiln. My fascination with the natural world, and love of gardens has influenced my desire to focus my making on vases and vessels, to essentially 'bring the outside world in'.


Whilst using a simple aesthetic,  inspiration for my vases has come from ancient vessels; human postures and relationships, and the magic of the  anthropomorphised objects as in the books of Dr Seuss.

More recently I have been drawn to exploring sculptural forms and various surface treatments referencing textures and shapes from the natural world, and imagined landscapes.


Working with clay provides endless opportunity for exploration and discovery, and it is in this medium that I have found 'my place' for expression and giving  voice to issues I care deeply about. The most pressing of these is the need for kaitiakitanga or guardianship of our natural environment. Traditionally, Maori believe that there is a deep kinship between humans and the natural world. People are not superior to the natural order, they are a part of it. The fragility of our  world is being exposed through climate change, and only by applyiing principles of kaitiakitanga can we address this.


Thank you for your interest in my work. If  you would like to be on my mailing list to receive infrequent updates, please get in touch via the form on the opposite page.








Contact Pip 


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